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What Are Peptides?

The human body is constantly blending peptides and proteins-the substances that are actively involved in the regulation of our body’s physiological process. Without them, we can’t exist. 

Since Peptides are smaller than other amino acids, they can be easily absorbed. Peptides are smaller and may therefore be broken down faster and more easily absorbed in the body than proteins. Also they are more easily absorbed through the gut ans skin and they enter the bloodstream faster. 

Peptides help you build muscle, boost weight and fat loss, and help with muscle recovery. Some peptides also play a beneficial role in slowing the aging process, reduce inflammation, and aid in destroying harmful microbes. Peptides are molecules consisting of two or more amino acids inter-connected by a peptide bond. They are essentially smaller proteins that are easier for the body to absorb.

Note that as we get older, the number of peptides in our bodies also decreases. This is due to age and the regulation of protein synthesis that gets disrupted by negative stress factors. For example, the peptides in 55- year-olds will be 10 times lesser than that of 20-year-olds. When Peptides are introduced into your body, they make your cells work properly and the body begins to heal itself. There’s an effect of restoration of the affected organ or tissue due to normalization of work at the cellular level. And without any chemical or operational intervention, peptides can improve your overall health and wellbeing in the most natural way.

Who Can Benefit from Peptide Therapy?

Peptides have a variety of benefits, some will help you look and feel younger, others will boost your immune system and help you heal from an injury or a surgery. In conclusion Peptide Therapy can be used to naturally help your body treat or prevent many different conditions and diseases. 

Healthy couple

Benefits of Peptide Therapy

  • Decrease inflammation
  • Slow down the aging process
  • Improve skin elasticity
  • Lift and tighten the skin
  • Fights surface bacteria that cause acne
  • Optimize cell renewal
  • Increased mood & energy levels
  • Tightened skin and improved hair growth
  • Improved nervous, immune and cardiovascular systems
  • Amplified sex drive & enhanced sexual performance
  • Enhanced sleep, focus and sharpened memory
  • Faster fat loss, lean muscle development & improved flexibility
  • Decreased recovery time & lessened joint pain
  • Boosted metabolism & lower cholesterol
  • Better defense against osteoporosis
  • Optimizes Digestion
  • Weight Reduction

Human Growth Hormone (HGH)

Human Growth hormone (hGH) is a natural hormone your pituitary gland produces called Somatrotopin, this process helps maintain normal body structure and metabolism. Human Growth Hormone has two main functions, stimulating growth mainly during childhood and impacting metabolism (this is how your body turns food into energy.)

Growth hormone (hGH) secretion declines progressively with aging, and many age-related changes resemble those of the adult GH deficiency (GHD) syndrome, including a decrease in lean body mass; an increase in body fat, especially in the abdominal compartment, adverse changes in lipoproteins, and a reduction in aerobic capacity. These changes are not always minor and sometimes, they can have an adverse impact on your health, appearance, and performance. That is when growth hormone replacement can make a tremendous positive impact in your life

HGH Can Improve Your Health & Life

HGH therapy helps strengthen the immune system, helping the body fight against free radicals and diseases. Therefore, HGH therapy can help to keep an array of diseases at bay by promoting cell regeneration and physical healing, as well as activating preventative measures to help ensure healthy days ahead. The goal of HGH Therapy is to restore and increase your overall health giving you the ability to live an exceptional healthy life.

Benefits of HGH

  • Regulates metabolism helping our body turn food into energy
  • Support brain function
  • Promotes Better sleep
  • Enhances weight loss
  • Promotes Heart Health
  • Accelerates wound healing
  • Enhances sexual health.
  • Reduces stress, depression, anxiety and decreases mood swings
  • Promotes production of collagen, elasticity making us look younger
  • Increases bone density and reduces join pain
  • HGH is the most popular and effective anti-aging treatments available today.

Evolving Vitality is a licensed non-diagnosed telehealth provider. Patients who are found to have a specific health condition or issues will be referred out to that specific health care provide. All patients are required to follow all of the medical instructions given by our medical team and contact us immediately if there are any questions or concerns. All of the information in our website is for educational purpose only, always consult with our medical professional team.